1950: Marist Brothers arrived to open St Brendan's Boys School at East Griffith
1956: Infants Block at St Patrick's built (100 block)
1959: New block built behind the church for Primary and Secondary girls (700 block)
1967: Girls in St Patrick's Secondary School moved to boys school at East Griffith Infants department increased in population
1973: Kindergarten block opened. Principal - Sr Mary Felician
1974: St Patrick's School became a co-educational Primary School. Principal - Sr Josephine Doyle
1976: Principal - Sr Mary Stephanie
1977: Br David Facci took over as the first Marist Brother Principal at St Patrick's
1978 - 1985: Br Peter Howes - Principal
1986 - 1991: Br Justin Guthrie - Principal
1992: Marist Brothers left St Patrick's School. Mr Robert Keady - Principal
1995: Library and Administration blocks opened
1996: 75th Anniversary of St Patrick's
1997: Fr. O’Dea Technology Room opened
1999: New Classroom installed
2001: Two New Classrooms installed
2002: Kindergarten Shelter built
2005: Shelter over the bus area built
2006: Infants Toilets refurbished
2007: Creative Arts Centre established
2009: Administration Block, 100 and 700 Block refurbished
2010/11: New School Hall, Canteen, New Classrooms, Refurbishment of Classrooms and Library
2013: New Principal appointment Mr David Adams-Jones
2015: Sacred Heart Parish donates $250,000 to the school. Extensive refurbishment of following buildings to reflect 21st Century Contemporary learning:
Kindergarten building and new furniture.
700 Block as Stage One building completed with new furniture to cater for Years One and Two students.
Library moved to 600 block with new shelving and minor refurbishment..
Old Kindergarten building refurbished.
Official Blessing of refurbished school buildings. The Parish of Sacred Heart acknowledged for their kind generosity and the Diocesan Provident Fund of the Diocese of Wagga Wagga for their financial support.
2016: Refurbishments continue throughout the summer holidays with learning spaces completed for beginning of Term 1 in 2016. Parish donates a further $100,000 to the building project.
100 block refurbished to cater for Year 5 Students.
600 block refurbished
Mrs Sandra Campbell appointed Principal
2017: Restructure of the school playground with the old fort being replaced with new equipment. Basketball court resurfaced. AFL posts installed.
2018: Co-Leadership model implemented with Mr Daniel Tuohey and Mr Michael Morrell sharing the role of Assistant Principal and Religious Education Coordinators.
2019: Mrs Sandra Campbell retires as Principal.
2020: Mr Daniel Tuohey and Mr Michael Morrell appointed as Co Principals